Being a Sunday school teacher has helped me to explore the world of Bible resources for kids and it's absolutely helping me to teach my son about God. Here are a few of my discoveries; ⠀

Disclaimer: All the resources mentioned involves screen time, I don't advocate for so much screen time even if it's the Bible but this is to give you great options for when you do what to allow screen time.

Jelly Telly (They are now called Minno): I don't subscribe to it but I have seen someone use it in their family and they highly recommend it and their kids are 10 & 8. (You can get for as low as $5/month and $50/year)

Superbook: I absolutely love Superbook because you can tell that they did a lot of research and ensured they maintained the accuracy of each story while putting in a futuristic twist to it that way they remain relevant. I also love how they have evolved over the years and put out excellent work! A whole playlist of their free episodes. 

Veggie tales is also a classic that has evolved over the years, they continue to bring in fresh graphics, new twists while maintaining sound teaching of God's word. I love the songs, the characters, the lessons very applicable to life for the kids. (They have a youtube channel where they upload their videos)⠀

Saddleback Kids: I love them because as a church they created animated stories of the Bible and just retells the stories but makes it appealing to children. I am a sucker of excellence and they put in the work! Short, sweet and on point videos.


Bible app for kids by youversion: Wow! I am constantly amazed by this app honestly. When you say they finish work, that is what it is. I can even explain it, you have to experience it yourself. My son is obsessed and this is the only phone time he is allowed on my phone and he knows. 


I have a playlist that might help.

Honorable Mentions:

Psalty the singing songbook! I love love love the songs from Psalty and I think they will forever be classics, we should learn and teach our kids, but I don't like that as a company they are not innovative and still living on past glory (maybe I am wrong but I have searched and they don't exactly have anything modern) but for the content, it's SOLID and that's the goal right? Right!

Bible Verses for toddlers: You can check that out here!

I hope this helps!